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Professional Practice Model

Achieving World-Class Outcomes at Good Samaritan

A Professional Practice Model provides a framework for enabling nurses to articulate their unique contribution to health care. The model provides graphic depictions of nursing at any given institution. Good Samaritan’s Nursing Professional Practice Model evolved through a collaborative effort between staff nurses, managers, directors, and advanced practice nurses.

From the traveler that inspired the need for a hospital in Vincennes (1901) to the development of transitional care in the home (2012), the patient remains the focus of nursing at Good Samaritan. The Nursing Professional Practice Model frames and directs nursing practice according to legal and ethical professional standards. Good Samaritan is focused on outcomes, which promotes the very best patient care.

Our Seal

The “shared vision” at the foundation of the lighthouse symbolizes that it takes all of us working together with a common purpose to produce the very best outcomes for our patients. A compass with a lighthouse illustrates nursing as the compass guiding coordinated, compassionate, collaborative, and competent care at Good Samaritan.

The Four Cs

The seal of excellence demonstrates our success at providing the best care possible for the patient, family, and self, which is at the center of everything we do. The four Cs are also an integral part of our model and demonstrates the care we provide is coordinated, compassionate, competent and collaborative. Nurses know the care we give every day needs a balance of these four core values in order to give world-class care leading to outstanding outcomes.

  • Coordinated depicts bringing together inputs, delivery, management, and organization of services related to diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation, and health promotion.
  • Compassionate is the emotional capability of having empathy and sympathy for the suffering of others. Compassion is at the heart of nursing and is incorporated into our name, “Good Samaritan”.
  • Collaborative is developing a partnership grounded in respect and recognition of each partner’s contribution to patient care. Good Samaritan nurses collaborate daily with multiple disciplines such as lab, PT, OT, RT, physicians and nurse practitioners.
  • Competence, as defined by the Institute of Medicine (2003) is “the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning emotions, values, and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individuals and community being served.” Good Samaritan nurses take pride in the competent care provided to each patient.