Having a baby can be both joyful and overwhelming, no matter how many children you have had. Good Samaritan will stand by you through it all, from the moment you decide to become pregnant to well into your child’s first year. Our compassionate staff and personalized approach ensure that your birth experience will be comfortable, safe and designed just for you.
Babies bring blessings, but they also change lives. Our education classes will help you to feel more prepared for your labor and delivery – and for your new life afterward with baby. Knowing what to expect will help ease your mind and will make preparations even more enjoyable.
To download a copy of our Prepared Childbirth booklet, please click here.
To view our Childbirth Education class schedule, click here.
Good Samaritan also knows that not everyone can make it to the classes available, but some may still like to learn. Below you will find Breastfeeding Educational videos to help answer questions you may have when it comes to breastfeeding.
Please click on the images to view the educational videos.
Breastfeeding Education with Ava Allender
Topic: Positions
Breastfeeding Education with Ava Allender
Topic: Colostrum
Breastfeeding Education with Ava Allender
Topic: Engorgement
Breastfeeding Education with Ava Allender
Topic: Skin-to-Skin
Good Samaritan Durable Medical Equipment is also proud supporter of new moms! With a multitude of options available for breast pumps, Good Samaritan DME offers six different brands for breastfeeding mothers. Click on the videos below to learn more about the different options available to you.
Zomee Fit videos:
Ameda Joy
Spectra S2
Spectra S9
More from Spectra: