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Healthcare Academy

Good Samaritan Healthcare Academy offers a unique pathway for high school students to explore and prepare for careers in healthcare. Designed to ignite interest early, students engage with healthcare concepts during their 8th, 9th and 10th-grade years, laying a solid foundation for deeper learning through Good Samaritan's Future Healers Camp, and an Introduction to Healthcare Careers class taught at their school.

As seniors, students embark on a hands-on internship, gaining invaluable real-world experience in healthcare settings. This immersive learning opportunity allows them to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios, building confidence and skills essential for their future careers.

Furthermore, during their senior year, students have the privilege to shadow experienced healthcare professionals, gaining insights into various specialties and refining their career aspirations.

Through Good Samaritan Healthcare Academy, students not only receive academic instruction but also benefit from mentorship, experiential learning, and networking opportunities, ensuring they are well-prepared to thrive in the dynamic field of healthcare.

Future Healer's Camp

This camp offers interactive learning from a wide-range of healthcare professionals for students transitioning into high school, taking place during the summer between their 8th and 9th grade year.

Introduction to Healthcare Careers Class

This class, sponsored and facilitated by Good Samaritan, is offered to 10th grade students attending the following high schools:

  • Lincoln High School
  • North Knox High School
  • South Knox High School

The Introduction to Healthcare Careers curriculum at Good Samaritan Healthcare Academy is thoughtfully designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare field while incorporating hands-on learning experiences and insights from healthcare professionals.

Students engage in interactive lessons, discussions, and activities to grasp the foundational knowledge essential for success in the field.

Additionally, the curriculum is enriched by the involvement of healthcare professionals who share their expertise, experiences, and insights with students. Guest lectures, panel discussions, and mentorship opportunities provide students with firsthand knowledge of different healthcare careers, industry trends, and pathways for professional development.

By integrating hands-on examples and input from healthcare professionals, the Introduction to Healthcare Careers curriculum not only educates students about the diverse opportunities within the healthcare field but also inspires them to pursue their passions and make informed decisions about their future career paths.

Work-Based Learning

In their 12th grade year, students at Good Samaritan Healthcare Academy can apply to participate in a dynamic work-based learning experience tailored to their specific interests within the healthcare field. This program is designed to provide real-world exposure to various healthcare professions.

Whether aspiring to become nurses, physicians, medical technicians, or other healthcare professionals, students are matched with placements that align with their career goals and interests.

During their work-based learning experience, students work closely with healthcare professionals, observing their daily routines, and observing patient care activities. This immersive learning opportunity not only deepens students' understanding of their chosen field but also allows them to develop essential skills, such as communication, teamwork, and critical thinking, in a real-world context.

Furthermore, students receive mentorship and guidance from experienced healthcare professionals, who serve as role models and provide valuable career advice and insights. This mentorship fosters personal and professional growth, empowering students to navigate their future career paths with confidence and clarity.

Overall, the work-based learning experience offered to 12th-grade students at Good Samaritan Healthcare Academy serves as a crucial stepping stone in their journey towards a successful career in healthcare. By providing tailored field experiences and mentorship opportunities, the program equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to excel in their chosen professions and make meaningful contributions to the healthcare industry.